Articles, insights, information and practical advice to help you get the results you need

Articles, insights, information and practical advice to help you get the results you need

What every customer service professional needs to know – a checklist of customer needs
Why do customers do the things they do? What makes them satisfied or dissatisfied with your service? What makes them happy or irritated and angry? What do customers really want in a service transaction? The answers to these questions have been researched by Psychologists for many years and as a professional service giver, your success […]
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The power of ‘yes’ in customer services
Have you ever considered the power of saying yes to customers? In our experience, the power of this simple affirmation – that we can do what the other person wants us to do – gives great potential to build powerful and strong relationships. Interestingly, it is often overlooked by Customer Service managers as a customer […]
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The game-changing difference of positive communications
The drive for recovery is gathering a head of steam. Making sure we really stand out to our customers and show them that we are ready, willing and able to help them and that they can trust us, will make a real difference. This is best achieved through clear, positive communication that shows our customers […]
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Why kindness is a “service” to ourselves and others….
We at MGI Learning wholeheartedly support Mental Health Awareness Week which takes place this week, 18 – 24 May 2020. In our organisational development work across many sectors and in many countries, we see the impact of mental health and how important this is to overall wellbeing, happiness and success. This year the focus for Mental Health […]
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Building long term staying power
The internet is buzzing with advice on resilience, proving how important this is to all our lives as we try to navigate through the coronavirus pandemic. We are juggling ever-changing demands on our lives and in our work, from home schooling that we may feel ill-equipped to deliver to finding new ways of working, competing with […]
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