Checklist: 15 questions to help you excel against the Complaint Handling Code

Checklist for Housing: 15 questions to excel against the Complaint Handling Code

Checklist for Housing: 15 questions to excel against the Complaint Handling Code

The Housing Ombudsman’s updated Complaint Handling Code has required all social housing organisations to review their policies, process, culture and capability to meet the standards expected. The self-assessment provided by the Ombudsman clearly lays out the requirements. For organisations to excel against the new standard will require an excellent level of capability across each organisation and a culture that truly accepts that all feedback is invaluable and should be acted upon.

Use our comprehensive checklist tool to complement the Ombudsman’s self-assessment and evaluate whether your culture and people capability will enable everyone in your organisation to confidently embrace the expected standards and positively deliver against them. You can use it to really evaluate how well equipped your organisation is to deliver what the Ombudsman has laid out. Really looking at how your people will take responsibility will complement the specific processes that are required.

You may also like our free eBook: How to Excel at Customer Complaints